For this assignment I mapped the information flows through the Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC), the official coordinating mechanism for humanitarian actors working to safeguard and improve the nutritional status of emergency affected populations. Due to the decentralised nature of the GNC this assignment involved engagement with a diverse set of stakeholders. I obtained a thorough analysis of the information ecosystem through a combination of comprehensive desk review and structured stakeholder interviews. The data flow diagram that I developed was used to identify all of the existing information management tools currently in use by Information Management Officers. I used these findings to develop a report on the missing tools with recommendations to improve systems and processes. I also developed desktop GIS and web mapping information management tools for use by the cluster. The new IM Toolkit was launched by the GNC in December 2015, read more about it here.
ArticleI researched and authored a white paper on the role of location data in the integration of health and social care in the UK to be jointly published by the Society of IT Managers (SOCITM) and Ordnance Survey. My research included structured stakeholder interviews with a range of key informants within the National Health Service, Local Government and Social Care organisations. I produced a long form report for internal use including a range of recommendations, plus a summarised White Paper for publication. I launched the report at the annual SOCITM conference and presented my findings at a user conference for UK Public Sector Mapping data. You can download a copy of the White Paper here.
White PaperFor this assignment I examined the feasibility of adding location information to the Somali HMIS using GIS. My final report outlined the added value and related risks of integrating GIS into HMIS; presented case studies highlighting important lessons from the use of GIS in health service planning in similar contexts elsewhere in the world; detailed the existing geospatial data sets for Somalia while providing guidance on whether these data sets could feasibly be used; summarised the available software options and outlined the next steps required to implement a GIS solution.
This assignment required me to use my technical GIS skills. The client, a UK National Park required the locations of cultural heritage assets within the park to be geocoded and the results mapped. I was provided with a list of addresses which I cleaned, geocoded and categorised by asset type. I discovered a number of additional assets by querying a number of open data sources. I then mapped the location of all the assets. Separate maps were produced showing each asset category and all of the assets within each of the park’s constituent counties and unitary authority. You can read more about the Cultural Heritage Audit here.
ArticleThis assignment, which I carried out as a Society of IT Managers (Socitm) consultant, was the result of two UK local authorities combining IT functions as a cost saving exercise. The client required advice on the best way to rationalise the two existing entirely separate GIs functions. To do this I carried out a strategic review of GIS related activities within both authorities through a series of stakeholder interviews and a thorough document review. The deliverables were a detailed strategy document and action plan, plus a presentation to the client and stakeholders.
Field data collected during a Sightsavers project in Cameroon was combined with a range of open data sources to create a set of maps relating to eye care in Fako district Cameroon. Maps produced showed the locations of health centres, staffing levels and treatments available. A map was also produced to visualise information collected during focus group discussions about distances travelled to seek eye care and a cost surface modelling of travel time to the nearest hospital was carried out for the whole district. The deliverables were a series of maps and a presentation in which the maps were presented and the potential of GIS for future Sightsavers projects was discussed.