GeoPlace is a Limited Liability Partnership jointly owned by the Local Government Association (LGA) and Ordnance Survey (the UK’s national mapping agency). In cooperation with every local authority in England and Wales GeoPlace is responsible for supporting the creation and ongoing maintenance of the UK’s national gazetteers of address and street data. GeoPlace employed ConsultingWhere to carry out an analysis of the costs and benefits to local authorities in participating in maintaining these data sets. I participated by researching case studies, carrying out interviews and analysing data. My analysis of the benefit of a maintaining a single source of addressing data within a local authority and the resulting saving from reduced duplication was a key part of the report’s findings. Our report was publicised in articles in GIS Professional and the RICS Land Journal.
Article: GIS Professional Article: Land JournalFor this project I travelled to Oman to participate in a high level cost benefit analysis of a proposed national addressing infrastructure. To do this I participated in workshops and stakeholder interviews. For the final report I was responsible for estimating the benefit of addressing to utility companies, one of the major beneficiary sectors.
ConsultingWhere were employed by EuroGeographics to carry out a cost benefit analysis of the proposed European Location Framework, or ELF. ELF is a project by a consortium including 14 National Mapping and cadastral Agencies and a similar number of commercial partners to deliver authoritative, interoperable, cross-border, topographic, administrative and cadastral reference data for Europe. I participated by researching case studies and carrying out interviews.
EuroSDR is a not-for-profit organisation linking National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies with Research Institutes and Universities in Europe. The members of EuroSDR examined the potential of 3D geo-information products and services. To do this they employed ConsultingWhere to help them understand the socio-economic benefits of a number of key applications (use cases) of 3D geo-information. The use cases examined as part of this project were Forestry Management, Asset Management, Flood Management, Land Administration and Valuation, Resilience and Urban Planning. Domain experts in each of the six use cases attended workshops held throughout Europe. The purposes of the initial workshops was the development of Value Chains that tracked the flow of information within each use case and identified the areas that 3D geo-information could add the most value. I was responsible for developing the Value Chain diagrams from the information supplied during the workshops. The diagrams and accompany reports were used the EuroSDR delegates to select the use cases to take forward for full cost benefit analysis (Flood Management and Urban Planning). The research is on-ongoing.